Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fun with a level teleport trap: RIP Wizzard!

Allow me to explain the above scene through the magic of Python-Vision:

>>> wizzard = Wizzard()
>>> wizzard.rings
['ring of teleport control', 'ring of slow digestion']
>>> wizzard.put_on_ring(wizzard.rings[0])
Okely Dokely
>>> wizzard.stumble_into_level_teleport_trap()
which level would you like to go to today, wizzard? 50
Okely Dokely
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!
Whoops, you are being attacked!

for the record, I didn't get as far as level 50, but I got far enough.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You feel deathly sick: RIP Orcish Barbarian

Level 12 Orcish Barbarian; fought his way down past dungeon level 20; even had a pet Gargoyle; and a Magic Cleaver; finally done-in by some tainted Jackal, while very hungry.

Well, I learned heaps on this game. I got careless in the end and read an unidentified scroll of punishment, hence the iron ball in the picture.

I feel I should persevere with Barbarian characters if I'm to stand any chance of Ascending, but I do find Wizards very fun to play.